Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University logo

Tyler T. Procko

Curriculum Vitae

ORCiD: 0000-0002-7801-0124

Casting the net for knowledge in a sea of infinite information.

Availability Spring 2024

Eastern Time, UTC-5

Mon-Fri - 07:00-13:00 & 17:00-20:00

SatSun - 07:00-20:00

Main Semantic Science Resources Personal
Java logo Python logo HTML/CSS logo Git logo Visual Studio Code logo Eclipse logo Microsoft Office logo Tableau logo draw.io, or diagrams.net, logo Agile logo W3C Semantic Web logo W3C RDF logo W3C OWL logo W3C SPARQL logo W3C SHACL logo W3C RDFa logo W3C JSON-LD logo BFO Inside logo SUMO logo WordNet logo GraphDB logo Stardog logo Protege logo OpenAI logo


I am a graduated software engineer completing my Ph.D. as a student contractor for the Department of Defense, through the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarship. I am open to part-time/contract, remote work in:

  • Intersection of LLMs and structured knowledge
  • Graph data and knowledge modeling
  • Applied Taxonomy and Ontology research
  • Natural language processing research
  • Scientific/technical writing, editing and proofreading
  • Java and Python software engineering

Refer to my entire skillset below. Feel free to contact me at any time.


Aug 2020 - May 2025

Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, On the Provenance of Software Systems: Automatic Software Development Life Cycle Provenance Capture by Leveraging Knowledge Graph and Large Language Model Synergy - 4.0/4.0 GPA, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), Daytona Beach, FL

Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
Aug 2016 - May 2020

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering, Minor in Cybersecurity Engineering - 3.93/4.0 GPA, ERAU Daytona

June 2014 - May 2016

Associate in Arts - 4.0/4.0 GPA with high honors, Florida State College at Jacksonville

Aug 2010 - May 2016

High School Diploma - 3.0/3.0 GPA as salutatorian, Trinity Christian Academy, Jacksonville, FL


Apr 2024

Outstanding Doctoral Student, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Aug 2020 - May 2025

Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship - Department of Defense, Sponsored through the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), Rome, NY

  • Consistent summer research work with the nation's top information analysts, artificial intelligence experts and data visualization scientists at the Information Directorate of the AFRL
  • Mentorship by some of the nation's leading Semantic Web and Linked Data experts, including Dr. Nicholas Del Rio and Dr. Timothy Lebo
  • Full tuition payment, annual stipend, internships and continued work after graduation
Air Force Research Lab logo
Aug 2016 - May 2020

Diamond Eagle Scholarship, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Highest-obtainable scholarship for new ERAU students
May 2016

The Florida Bright Future Scholarship - Academic Scholar Award, FSCJ & TCA


Awaiting Publication


Oct 2024

(Tertiary Author): The Role, Needs, and State of Cognitive Assistants in Single Pilot Operations, primary author Alexandra Davidoff - AIAA - Journal of Aerospace Information Systems

July 2024

(Primary author): Leveraging Linked Data for Knowledge Management: A Proposal for the Aerospace Industry - AIAA - Journal of Aerospace Information Systems

Mar 2024

(Primary author): Semantic Science: Publication Beyond the PDF - IEEE SoutheastCon

Mar 2024

(Primary author): Dawn of the Dialogue: AI's Leap from Lab to Living Room - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

Jan 2024

(Primary Author): Towards Agile Academia: An Approach to Scientific Paper Writing Inspired by Software Engineering - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Scholarly Commons

Oct 2023

(Tertiary author): Scrum in the Classroom: An Implementation Guide, primary author Sarah Reynolds - 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference

Oct 2023

(Tertiary author): Leveraging Signal Strength as a Mechanism to Secure GPS Messages, primary author Juan Couder - 2023 IEEE/AIAA 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)

Sep 2023

(Primary Author): GPT-4: A Stochastic Parrot or Ontological Craftsman? Discovering Implicit Knowledge Structures in Large Language Models - 2023 Fifth International Conference on Transdisciplinary AI (TransAI)

Sep 2023

(Primary Author): Automatic Generation of BFO-Compliant Aristotelian Definitions in OWL Ontologies with GPT - 2023 Fifth International Conference on Transdisciplinary AI (TransAI)

July 2023

(Tertiary author): Impacts of Catastrophic Forgetting: From a Machine Learning Engineering Perspective, primary author Timothy Elvira - 2023 Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE)

July 2023

(Secondary author): Digital Rubber Duck: Leveraging Large Language Models for Extreme Programming, primary author Timothy Elvira - 2023 Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE)

June 2023

(Primary author): Microelectronic Technology, AI and Academic Dishonesty: An Agile Engineering Approach - American Society for Engineering Education (TELPhE) 2023

Feb 2023

(Tertiary author): Validating Security Requirement Specifications through the use of a Knowledge Graph, primary author Sarah Reynolds - 2023 IEEE 18th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)

Jan 2022

(Primary Author): An Exploration of Explainable Machine Learning Using Semantic Web Technology - 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)

Jan 2022

(Contributor in grammar, structure and spelling revision): Supporting Security Requirements Engineering through the Development of the Secure Development Ontology - 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2022), primary author Jessica Steinmann

Oct 2019

(Contributor): Incorporating a Virtual Reality Environment in the Teaching of Analysis of Software Requirements - 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2019), primary author Omar Ochoa

In Progress


(Secondary Author): Towards A Taxonomy of ML Misbehaviors and their Software Engineering Solutions, primary author Timothy Elvira


(Primary author): Knowledge Graph Relationship Inferencing using ADE20k Images, Geospatial Bounding Boxes and the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology


(Primary author): The Software Development Life Cycle and Ontology Engineering: Defining a Structured Process for Ontology Development


(Tertiary author): Navigating the Future of Aviation: The Role, Needs, and State of Cognitive Assistants in Single Pilot Operations, primary author Alexandra Davidoff

Colleague Theses

Feb 2023 - Mar 2023

(Contributor in technical elements): Eliminating Security Weaknesses in Requirement Specifications via a Knowledge Graph, primary author Lynn Vonder Haar, ERAU

Nov 2022 - Mar 2023

(Contributor in technical elements): Extracting a Body of Knowledge as a First Step Towards Defining a United Software Engineering Curriculum Guideline, primary author Anton Kiselev, ERAU

Competition Proposals

Jan 2023 - Apr 2023

(Secondary author): Expanding the Capabilities of the NAS through AI: A White Box for the Airspace Ecosystem, top 10 finalist, faculty advisor Omar Ochoa

Grant Proposals

Jan 2022

(Contributor in grammar, structure and spelling revision): Expanding the Nation’s STEM Talent Pool by Accelerating Graduate Degree Completion in Computer, Software, and Cybersecurity Engineering – NSF Award Number 2221602 amounting to $1,499,354 over the period 10/01/2022 – 09/30/2027, principal investigator Omar Ochoa, ERAU


Feb 2023

(Contributor in grammar, structure and spelling revision): Synthetic Ontologies: A Hypothesis, primary author Alexander Bikeyev


Freelance / Contract

Sep 2024

Reasoning Consultant - Upwork

  • Consulted with a client on FOL/HOL ontology reasoning
July 2024

Ontology Engineer - Upwork

  • Developed a mid-level ontology for a discreet domain
  • Provided stakeholder-level documentation on OWL reasoning and description logics
June 2024

Nuclear Construction Ontology Engineer - Upwork

  • Consulted on, and developed, an ontology to be used for nuclear facility construction process evaluation
Feb 2024 - Present

BFO/CCO Consultant and Ontology Engineer - Quiet Professionals

  • Engaged in consultation and project work
Nov 2023 - May 2024

Ontologist and Linked Data Engineer - Hooray Media

  • Consulted on an ontology to be integrated with a WordPress ecosystem for a local content publishing company
  • Developed a Linked Data taxonomy for web post content
Aug 2023 - Jan 2024

Ontologist and Knowledge Graph Engineer - The Link

  • Consulted on an ontology for the construction industry
  • Engineered a system for knowledge graph extraction from construction documents
  • Maintained an ecosystem of knowledge graphs containing over 10,000 nodes and 50,000 relations
May 2023

Legal Ontology Consultant - Upwork

  • Provided insight on the design and development of a legal domain ontology in OWL
May 2023

Software Test Engineer - Upwork

  • Tested and gave feedback for a startup scientific research platform
Apr 2023 - May 2023

Geospatial Ontology Analyst - Upwork

  • Queried a large geospatial ontology with complex SPARQL
  • Diagnosed and fixed issues with OWL and SWRL reasoning
  • Produced visualizations in GraphDB and Stardog
Mar 2023

Knowledge Graph Engineer - Upwork

  • Represented a specific use case for the SDLC in GraphDB using PROV and SEON
Feb 2023 - Present

Technology Consultant and Scientific Writer - ForumAPI

  • Provided insight on automated documentation techniques and created artifacts related to scientific publication on a particular domain for a client startup company
  • Worked with the GPT API suite to generate software-related documents
  • Wrote and published several scientific papers
Jan 2023 - Mar 2023

Ontologist - WordLift SEO (international remote)

  • Acted as a knowledge representation consultant
  • Represented a client domain using Schema.org and GS1, in OWL, SWRL and SHACL

Graduate Positions

Feb 2023 - May 2023

University Course Engineer - The Knowledge Representation Spectrum

  • Developed a course intended to be an extension to a relational databases course, covering the history of knowledge representation, focusing on applied ontology, Linked Data and contemporary NLP
Jan 2019 - Present

Group Researcher and Semantic Web Consultant, ERAU Daytona, team lead Omar Ochoa

  • Worked on projects related to ML, NLP, Linked Data and cybersecurity; produced many papers
  • Performed work with other researchers, in addition to contributing to and writing papers on a multitude of research topics, most of which centered around Semantic technology
  • Acted as Semantic Web consultant for various other student researchers, in addition to providing assistance in paper review and revision

Paid Internships

May 2024 - July 2024

SMART Scholar Research Intern - ML Provenance, AFRL, Rome, NY

  • Advanced dissertation research with real-world data
  • Annotated ML platform images in CVAT
May 2023 - July 2023

SMART Scholar Research Intern - Computer Vision Schema in JSON-LD, AFRL, Rome, NY

  • Curated multiple military documents and produced a proto-ontology in JSON-LD for recording the provenance of computer vision tasks
May 2022 - July 2022

SMART Scholar Research Intern - Machine Learning Interoperability with Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), AFRL, Rome, NY

  • Represented the domain of machine learning and defense operations using the Basic Formal Ontology (of Barry Smith) and the Common Core Ontologies
  • Mapped several disparate ontology terms from an ad-hoc ML ontology into BFO/CCO compliance
  • The produced ontology allowed the answering of core competency questions useful for subject matter experts
  • Gained familiarity with SNOMED-CT and the OBO ontologies
May 2021 - July 2021

SMART Scholar Remote Research Intern - Geospatial Relationship Inferencing, AFRL, Rome, NY

  • Worked remotely due to COVID-19; produced new geospatial relationships between suggested upper merged ontology (SUMO) objects linked with ADE20K annotations and WKTs
May 2020 - July 2020

AFRL Scholars Remote Research Intern - ML Explainability, AFRL, Rome, NY

  • Worked remotely due to COVID-19 and managed to produce “explanations” for machine learning, using background semantic knowledge and the DL-Learner framework
May 2019 - July 2019

AFRL Scholars Research Intern - ML-Boosted Knowledge Graphs, AFRL, Rome, NY

  • Worked with others in “boosting” semantic graphs through machine learning
  • Modelled topics from ontologies and eventually assessed ontology quality through metrics
  • Produced multitudes of relevant data for the Air Force, as well as a basic ontology quality assessment framework

Undergrad and Prior

Jan 2019 - May 2019

Grader for CS344 - C Programming and UNIX, ERAU Daytona

  • Assessed content included Linux commands and intermediate C programming topics, such as structures, complex pointer manipulation and memory management
Aug 2018 - Dec 2018

Grader for CS315 - Data Structures and Algorithms, ERAU Daytona

  • Evaluated implementation of linked lists, queues, stacks, trees, heaps, maps, graphs, recursion, sorting and searching algorithms
Aug 2014 - Aug 2016

Customer Service Clerk, Publix Supermarkets

  • Assisted customers and managed merchandise loading


Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

Linked Data Consultant and Scientific Writer - Cloudcell

  • Researched and prepared a biomedical scientific paper to be published
Apr 2023 - Present

Stable Diffusion and Low-Rank Adaptation Testing - 1 member

  • Used the SD WebUI, a variety of models, LoRAs and VAES, along with prompting techniques, to generate images
  • An investigation into the toolset for the purpose of future work on generating synthetic data for military vision models
Aug 2022 - Dec 2022

An Investigation into Computational Efficiency Optimization of Natural Language Processing Vectorization Techniques on Large Corpora in Python - 1 member

  • Used Numpy, Numba, Numexpr, Cython, parallel Cython and MPI to improve the computational efficiency of basic vectorization algorithms for NLP (e.g., TF-IDF and Naïve Bayes)
July 2022

BFO Buddy - 1 member

  • A command-line Python tool for bootstrapping ontology development with BFO
Aug 2021 - Dec 2021

USA Obesity Rates Visualization and Analysis - 4 members

  • A Pandas/Tableau visualization incorporating dozens of datasets with thousands of data points taken from public US Census datasets; analysis on obesity by region, age group, food quality and various other factors
  • Additionally, curated statistics on the World's Strongest Man competitors and performed analysis on their capabilities
July 2021

Upper Martial Arts Ontology (UMAO) - 1 member

  • Represented the domain of martial arts using Schema.org as the base taxonomy, and Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do book as the lexicon
Jan 2021 - May 2021

Volusia County Parcel Elevation Visualization with SQL and QGIS - 1 member

  • A QGIS visualization utilizing several public shape files to display the approximate sea-level elevation of all parcels in Volusia County Florida
  • Used several complex GIS functions to perform contour line elevation calculations and QGIS to visualize it
Aug 2020 - Dec 2020

BitTorrent Systems Engineering Management Plan - 1 member

  • Produced an entire systems plan for the BitTorrent protocol and application, as a case study
Jan 2020 - May 2020

Microsoft Word Usability Desiderata - 1 member

  • Evaluated the usability of Microsoft Word's UX using the System Usability Scale and the Nielsen-Norman 5-point Likert scale
  • Developed UX personas and validated their accuracy with three empirical studies on personal contacts, using a systematized test plan
Aug 2019 - May 2020

EcoCar - 6 teams, 6 members each

  • Assisted Embry-Riddle's EcoCar team with the car's autopilot function
  • Was a member of the "core" team responsible for all system documentation, including user stories, requirements documents, Kanban board management, design documents and test plans
Aug 2019 - Feb 2020

Meme Ontology and Clustering Analysis - 3 members

  • Scraped the website knowyourmeme.com and derived a taxonomy for memes
  • Populated this taxonomy with over ten thousand memes and performed cluster analysis to find meme categories
July 2019 - Present

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Server - 1 member

  • Built a personal NAS server with 16TB of hard drive space in RAID-1
  • Populated personal data, practiced standardized data naming conventions, organizational principles, governance techniques and security measures on a LAN
May 2019

Ludum Dare 44 - 2 members

  • Produced a game in a 48 hour game jam
  • Placed top 3% globally
  • Responsible for all art and music
Feb 2019

ARocket - 4 members

  • Produced an augmented reality application for Android phones using Unity and C# for the 2019 Hackathon at ERAU Daytona, winning 3rd place
  • The application allowed the user to create and launch a rocket in a virtual-physical space, in addition to refueling and landing the craft
  • Sourced and created all the audio and visual media for the application, in addition to implementing some physics
Jan 2019 - May 2019

VxWorks C Water Heater Simulation - 1 member

  • Simulated the real-time system of a water heater in VxWorks C, utilizing complex techniques with semaphores, watchdogs and various other multithreading concepts
Jan 2019 - May 2019

Encrypted Text Messages Transmitted Via Near-Field Sound - 3 members

  • Used the Chirp library of Python to produce a phone app that could transmit encrypted messages over proximal sound with public key encryption
Aug 2018 - Dec 2018

LAN Multiplayer Board Game - 1 member

  • A 2D board game similar to Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Strict model-view separation and multithreading was implemented
  • Connectivity via LAN with the separate codebase of other students using a common interface of serialized classes and TCP sockets
Jan 2018 - May 2018

Monster Hunter: World Player Support Project (MHW:PSP) - 2 members

  • Created a Java/MySQL application for players of the game Monster Hunter: World
  • Populated 22 tables with over 1500 game-accurate entries
  • Developed MySQL schema using PHPMyAdmin, connected the Java code to the database using JDBC, designed and created the user interface (UI) and all functionality
Aug 2017 - Dec 2017

EagleListings - 5 members

  • Created a Java/MySQL application for sales between students of ERAU Daytona
  • Implemented the database interface using JDBC, designed and created the UI
  • Acted as the SCRUM master for the team
Jan 2017 - May 2017

Tiles - 1 member

  • Created a fast-paced clicker game in Java
Aug 2016 - Dec 2016

Text-Based Racing Game - 1 member

  • Created a text-based, console racing game supporting up to four players in C
Aug 2016 - Dec 2016

Boe-Bot Line Follower Robot - 3 members

  • Built and programmed an Arduino robot to follow lines and respond to the position of various colored objects



Nov 2023

Powering AI with Ontology in Construction, Constructed Futures with Hugh Seaton

Govt Clearances

Current Clearance Status

I am cleared for Secret T3 but do not continually retain an explicit clearance.

Past Clearances

May 2023 - Nov 2023

Confidential, cleared by DCSA, retained by USRA

May 2022 - Nov 2022

Confidential, cleared by DCSA, retained by USRA

May 2019 - Nov 2019

Secret, cleared by DCSA, retained by USRA


In Progress

Security+, CompTIA

In Progress

Semantic Web Technologies, Hasso Plattner Institute

Oct 2024
Jan 2024

Machine Learning Specialization, Stanford DeepLearning.AI

May 2023

GPT-4: The New GPT Release, LinkedIn Learning

May 2023
Mar 2023
Nov 2022
Nov 2022

Essential Editing and Proofreading, Virtued Academy International (IAOTH)



Mar 2024

Reviewer - 2024 IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education (FIE)

Jan 2024

Participated in public review of the SWEBOK v4 guide

May 2023

Contributor to the DAIR Prompt Engineering Guide

May 2023

Contributor to the OntoGPT Github

Apr 2023

Contributor to the Huge AI Models Github

Mar 2023

Reviewer - 2023 IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education (FIE)

Nov 2022

Contributor to Practical Natural Language Processing (Vajalla et al.) errata

July 2022

Contributor to the Common Core Ontologies

  • Provided clarification of term definitions and term spelling in the official Common Core Ontologies Github repository
July 2022

Contributor to the Semantalytics Awesome Semantic Web list

June 2022

Created a summarized list of BFO and BFO-related resources for other researchers


Sep 2023 - Present

IEEE - Member (#98174383)

Dec 2021 - Present

American Society for Engineering Education - Member

Jan 2019 - Jan 2020

White Hat Eagles Cybersecurity Club (WHECS) - Member

  • Learned the principles of cybersecurity through weekly lectures taught from the CompTIA Security+ book
  • Engaged in several hands-on activities dealing with hacking
Aug 2018 - Jan 2019

Embry-Riddle Artificial Intelligence Club - Member

  • Worked with genetic algorithms in a variety of scenarios


Nov 2023 - Present

Audio/Visual Technician, River Road Baptist Church, Hilliard, FL

  • Ensured A/V quality for worship and sermon services using ProPresenter, vMix, StageMix and MonitorMix for an in-person audience of ~100 and a livestream audience of ~10
Jan 2014 - Present

Personal Computer Construction Consultant, Remote/In-Person

  • Assisted personal contacts with computer construction and computer setup
  • Resolved computer, network, software and peripheral issues
Pre-2016 - 50+ hours

All-rounder, Nassau County Public Library

  • Labeling and returning books, assisting customers; periodic maintenance of the library database software
Pre-2016 - 100+ hours

Shrimp Fest Worker, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

  • Preparing food, cashiering and assisting customers
Pre-2016 - 10+ hours

Class Ambassador, Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Program

  • Selected as one out of 200+ students to represent my high-school in a leadership summit
  • Learned effective interpersonal relational, communication and leadership skills




Not precisely a standard, but used in software engineering as a common reference manual; the subject of a lot of my work over the years


MasterFormat & SectionFormat 2020

Parsed the entirety of MasterFormat and SectionFormat and built knowledge graphs for them

ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017

"SDLC standard", familiar with the concepts and applications

ISO 690:2021

Familiar with the concepts and implementation of bibliographic referencing



Know the standard and have read it


Have studied and parsed the document in an earlier project


PS150, PS160, PS250, PS253

Engineering Physics I, II & III


Introduction to Engineering


Scientific Programming in C


Introduction to Discrete Structures


Technical Report Writing

CS225, CS225L

Computer Science II (Java)

CEC220, CEC222

Digital Circuit Design


Principles of Aeronautical Science


Software Engineering Practices


Introduction to Scientific Computing


Data Structures Analysis and Algorithms


Analysis and Design of Software Systems


Probability and Statistics


Files and Database Systems

CEC320, CEC322

Microprocessor Systems


Software Construction


Engineering Economics


Organization of Programming Languages


Computer Architecture


Software Modeling


Applied Cryptography


Network Security


Real-Time Systems


Human Factors I: Principles and Fundamentals


Digital Forensics


Operating Systems


Software Quality Engineering and Assurance

SE450, SE451

Software Capstone Projects I & II


Human Factors and System Safety


Human-Computer Interaction


Fundamentals of Systems Engineering


Software System Architecture and Design


Software Requirements Engineering


Software Project Management


Databases and Data Retrieval


System Exploitation and Penetration Testing


Data Visualization


Software Security Assessment


Introduction to Systems Engineering Management


Memory and Cognition


High-Performance Scientific Computing


Human, Social & Organizational Factors in Emerging Technologies


Current Trends in Software Engineering


Research Methods for Engineers


Graduate Research Project


Dissertation Hours


Spoken Languages

  • English (fluent)

Software Languages

  • 8+ years in Java/JavaFX, C, Python, HTML, CSS and Markdown
  • 7+ years in most common RDF serializations and corrolaries: OWL-XML, Turtle, TriG, SHACL, SWRL etc.
  • 7+ years in most common data storage/query languages: XML, JSON, SQL, SPARQL, GeoSPARQL
  • 2+ years in JavaScript, C# and Fortran
  • 1 year use of Ruby/Rails, sqlite3, Devise and R

Software Libraries

  • Java: all common libraries, JavaFX, Swing, multithreading, socketing, JDBC, Jackson, json-simple, JSoup, OwlAPI, Apache Jena, etc.
  • Python: all common libraries, NumPy, Pandas, Numba, Numexpr, Cython, multiprocessing, mpi4py, Matplotlib, Seaborn, sklearn, NLTK, Chirp, RDFLib, SPARQLWrapper, etc.

Operating Systems

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11
  • Linux (Ubuntu distributions)
  • Android OS
  • Google Colab
  • XigmaNAS

Remote Collaboration Apps

  • Google Cloud products
  • MS Teams
  • Skype
  • Slack
  • Zoom
  • Discord, Element, various other IRC services

Office Software

  • All Microsoft products (Onedrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Teams)
  • All LibreOffice products (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw)
  • All Google products (Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides)
  • Mega
  • Distributed tracked changes editing with large teams

Engineering Software

  • Git/Github (desktop, web, command line), Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence
  • Protégé, Stardog, TriplyDB, GraphDB, GraphViz, Ontotext Refine
  • Eclipse IDE and Maven integration
  • Visual Studio Code
  • GoDaddy domain management, Heroku
  • Trello and other Kanban platforms
  • Google Cloud Platform (BigQuery, Speech to Text)
  • MySQL (w/JDBC), PHPMyAdmin, PostgreSQL, PostGIS
  • Passing familiarity with AWS databases
  • QGIS
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Concurrent C programming in VxWorks

Consistently-Used Vocabularies

  • OWL, RDF, RDFS, SKOS, BFO, SUMO, UFO, GFO, Schema.org, WordNet, DCTerms, FOAF, PROV, GeoSPARQL, SPAR family, BIBO, SEON, SE-ON, MLSchema, ANNO, ANNETTO, OntoDM, IAO, CCO, DOLCE and many others

Design/Analysis Software

  • Tableau, RStudio
  • Kaggle
  • Google SketchUp and AutoCAD LTE
  • Wireframe software (Balsamiq, Mockingbird)
  • Diagramming software (Draw.io, LucidChart, UML tools)
  • Unity game engine with C# scripts
  • Adobe products (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects)

Manuscript Formats

  • 5+ years working with IEEE double column manuscripts
  • 5+ years working with Elsevier-style single column manuscripts

AI Tools

  • OpenAI's GPT series, including API work in Python
  • Topaz Video AI
  • Stable Diffusion WebUI, Midjourney
  • CVAT

Relevant Literacy

Not including reviewed scientific literature

Feb 2023 (WIP)

A Knowledge Representation Practionary, Michael K. Bergman

Sep 2022

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume

Aug 2022

Practical Natural Language Processing, Vajjala et al.

July 2022

Of Empire, Francis Bacon

June 2022

Building Ontologies with BFO, Smith et al.

June 2021

The Prince and Discourses on Livy, Niccolò Machiavelli

Dated Things

This section...

... is my attempt at documenting some of my very oldest achievements. They are not necessarily relevant now, but in the interest of completeness, I am including it all here.


ACT Reading/Writing: Top 1%

I took this as part of my entrance to the SMART program; I need to request my scores to get the proper numbers

Junior High / High-School

May 2016

President's Education Awards Program - Outstanding Academic Excellence

May 2016

Principal's List - All A Honor Roll

10th - 12th Grade

Member - National Honor Society

?10th? Grade

Participant in a regional math contest; team won 5th place

?10th? Grade

Member - Science Club

?10th? Grade

1st place in a physics class contest for an egg-drop survival test

?9th? Grade

Winner of a creative essay contest

?9th? Grade

1st Place - FAACS Fine Arts Competition

7th - 9th Grade

Member - National Junior Honor Society

Elementary School

3rd - 6th Grade

Member - Beta Club

3rd Grade

3rd Place - 2006 FAACS Regional Spelling Bee

About Me

Birth Year





Reading, weightlifting, martial arts, drawing, carpentry, machining, banjo

Favorite Artists

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Frank Frazetta

Favorite Music


Favorite Show

The Sopranos